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My Approach to Therapy

Every client I see is unique.


Everyone has a different reason for seeking therapy and a different path to finding their peace. For this reason, I use a diverse range of approaches for helping you on your journey.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is one of the most commonly used forms of psychological treatment. It’s successfully been used to help people overcome depression, different forms of anxiety, and many other mental health conditions. With CBT, I will help you to recognize your patterns of thinking or behaviors that are causing you distress. As a result, you will feel more confident in your life and feel better equipped to handle life’s challenges.

Person-Centered Therapy

With Person-Centered Therapy, you are the expert. While I may provide some advice or explain my thoughts on something you tell me, you are the main one talking and analyzing. This allows you to draw conclusions about your experiences and develop solutions to your problems. While I still function as a guide, you are the one leading the way. After person-centered therapy, you will feel more self-confident and trust your own ability to find solutions to your problems in a peaceful and effective manner.

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